And 'Easy' has stood up against its technical and insurance survey. Delivery date in the first half of April.
That's not the same as actually sailing the boat. There is some work left.... Applying anti-fouling, stepping the mast, replacing the prop-shaft bearing, replace anodes, install VHF radio, AIS and chart plotter.
Not to mention ABN-AMRO bank, raising all the barriers they can, to frustrate the transfer of funds at the exact date and time as the change of ownership.

That's not the same as actually sailing the boat. There is some work left.... Applying anti-fouling, stepping the mast, replacing the prop-shaft bearing, replace anodes, install VHF radio, AIS and chart plotter.
Not to mention ABN-AMRO bank, raising all the barriers they can, to frustrate the transfer of funds at the exact date and time as the change of ownership.