Flekkefjord to Lysefjord
We're ploughing into 4 meter waves and for the first time I feel a hint of sea sickness. The 20 knot wind is acceptable, but the storm's swell is still present. The alcoholic mid-summer night in Flekkefjord doesn't help, neither the poorly cooked hamburger from Anna's Kitchen we ate to 'line our stomach'...
Mackerel for lunch. I look more unhappy than I am... |
Near Jearens Riv the wind dies and it's around mid night before we negotiate the relatively narrow and busy channels towards Stavanger. Ferry's, freighters, large fishermen and cruise boats come terrifyingly close. I just can't feel comfortable whilst seeing the 'red and green' of a large vessel for a long time before reaching the conclusion that it will pass on port or starboard. After one such encounter I have a brief exchange with Dutch registered Statendam from HAL. The former Holland Amerika Line which is a luxury cruise operator today.
Statendam off Feistein (south of Stavanger) |
Stavanger is still solidly asleep when we pass through it and underneath its 24 meter bridge. In my sleepy and Red Bull poisoned eyes, the bridge looks a lot lower than that, so I reduce Easy's speed to a mere crawl. Man! I really need to 'hit the sack'! But it's just another twelve and an halve miles to Lysefjord's entrance. And just like the bridge, I misjudge this too. Twelve and an halve miles is more than two hours on engine. In the back of my head is the little voice that tells me that fatigue causes more accidents than storms....
Low clouds underway to Lysefjord |
The fjord looks gloomy with low hanging clouds as we approach Lysefjord Marina in Bergevik. Marina is an overstatement for the single jetty, fuel dock and minimarket. After filling up with fuel and water we nickname it "the Joker" - after the mini supermarket chain - and sleep for twelve hours.
Arrived at the entrance of Lysefjord |